At PIPER social responsibility describes the way we are making a difference to the social and economic well-being of our communities through our teaching, research, public events and activities. To us social responsibilities are discharged through these four steps.

Socially Responsible Teaching

We include social responsibility as an active agent in our teaching methods. This approach has resulted in graduates who are considerate towards their social, professional and environmental responsibilities. At PIPER, our pedagogy has a 360 degree approach and hence includes both academic subjects and non-academic projects & activities as part of every faculty education.

Ethical & Responsible Research

At PIPER, we emphasize a lot on research governance, ethics and integrity. Research is conducted under the supervision of a research ethics committee and in all research projects the dignity, rights, safety and well being of human participants is at all times, considered, respected and safeguarded.

Environmental Protection And Sustainability

With resources dwindling, maintaining sustainability of our planet and its natural resources is the biggest challenge of our current time and times to come. Through our teaching, workshops, seminars and other means, we inform our students about this challenge and suggest ways to minimize the abuse, instead protect these natural resources for future generations. We encourage ours students to adopt and practice eco-friendly measure to cut down the carbon footprint and promote healthy and sustainable habits.